Iyengar Yoga in Beckenham


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Sometimes in life, people look for ways to improve their physical and mental health. For centuries, yoga has provided a means for people to find a sense of balance and wellbeing.

In today’s modern lifestyle a regular practice of yoga can help alleviate general back pain, treat the symptoms of mental distress such as anxiety, insomnia and depression; and play a helpful role in regulating the symptoms of premenstrual tension and the menopause.


My name is Rose, and I am an experienced yoga teacher. I run classes during the week at locations in Beckenham and West Wickham, Greater London; and online through Zoom.

My overall aim is for students to gradually build strength, improve flexibility and gain a sense of mental well-being and balance. 

Classes are limited in numbers so that everyone can benefit from more individual attention and enjoy the experience of yoga.  

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